Malaria Module:
Malaria Control in Eritrea

Quiz for Review

In this section, you are asked to create a report that must be uploaded to NewCourseworks.

Report preparation

Combine the following into ONE report:

  1. Maps of cluster analysis (stratification map) based on Monthly Malaria Incidence values available for the time period 1996 to 2003 at: home .ciph .Eritrea .malaria .monthly96-03 .incidence with different number of clusters (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 clusters).
  2. How many clusters best represent the spatial and temporal distribution of malaria incidence based on the monthly data? Explain why.
  3. Lagged correlation (0, 1, 2, 3 months) between malaria incidence anomalies and three different climatic/environmental factors. Suggestions: rainfall estimates from satellites, temperature, Sea Surface Temperature ENSO.
  4. Describe the relationship obtained when correlating rainfall anomalies with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?
  5. Describe the relationship obtained when correlating temperature anomalies with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?
  6. Describe the relationship obtained when correlating an El Niño index (e.g., NINO3, NINO3.4, etc.) with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?

Provide a three-page (max) summary of results.

Filename convention

Save your report using “yourUNImalaria” as the filename.
For example: js1234malaria.pdf

Report submission

Email your report to both Pietro Ceccato and Michael Bell .