Quiz for Review
In this section, you are asked to create a report that must be uploaded to NewCourseworks.
Report preparation
Combine the following into ONE report:
- Maps of cluster analysis (stratification map) based on Monthly Malaria Incidence values available for the time period 1996 to 2003 at: home .ciph .Eritrea .malaria .monthly96-03 .incidence with different number of clusters (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 clusters).
- How many clusters best represent the spatial and temporal distribution of malaria incidence based on the monthly data? Explain why.
- Lagged correlation (0, 1, 2, 3 months) between malaria incidence anomalies and three different climatic/environmental factors. Suggestions: rainfall estimates from satellites, temperature, Sea Surface Temperature ENSO.
- Describe the relationship obtained when correlating rainfall anomalies with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?
- Describe the relationship obtained when correlating temperature anomalies with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?
- Describe the relationship obtained when correlating an El Niño index (e.g., NINO3, NINO3.4, etc.) with malaria incidence anomalies. What is the lag time that best represents the relationship?
Provide a three-page (max) summary of results.
Filename convention
Save your report using “yourUNImalaria” as the filename.
For example: js1234malaria.pdf
Report submission
Email your report to both Pietro Ceccato and Michael Bell .